application of environmental chamber
environmental chamber can provide standard test environment (such as appointed temperature, relative humidity, air exchange rate and air velocity) or simulate real indoor environment. it can be used to test the emission rate of contaminants from various indoor materials and products and the emission features so as to further:
l 确定环境变量对材料和产品释放率和释放特性的影响;
l determine the influence of environment variables on the emission rate and emission features of materials and products
l 根据释放特征划分材料和产品的等级;
l graduate materials and products according to their emission features
l 开发和验证预测室内空气污染的模型;
l develop and verify models used to predict indoor air pollution
l 根据室内污染物数据或预测模型对室内空气质量(iaq)进行评价;
l value indoor air quality (iaq) according to indoor contaminant data or prediction models
test principles of the environmental chamber
the process for the environmental chamber to test the emission of contaminants can be summarized as: put materials and products or their samples into the test chamber, and then adjust the environmental conditions such as temperature, relative humidity and air exchange rate inside the chamber according to requirements, and then take samples at the air outlet of the environmental chamber or from the inside, and then adopt proper methods to analyze the air sample so as to identify the main contaminants and changes of their densities with times, and finally determine the emission rate and emission features of materials and products according to the tested densities.
design reference standard of the environmental chamber
(american society for testing and materials,astm)
test on emission of vocs
a、astm d 5116-2006《小尺度环境箱测定室内材料和产品中有机释放的标准指南》“standard guide for small-scale environmental chamber determinations 0f organic emissions from indoor materials/products”。
b、astm d 6330-98《规定测试条件下小型环境箱测定木制板材中vocs(除甲醛)释放的标准操作》
“standard practice for determination of volatile organic compounds (excluding formaldehyde) emissions from wood-based panels using small environmental chambers under defined test conditions”。
c、astm d 6670-01 2007《全尺度环境箱测定室内材料和产品vocs中释放的标准操作》“standard practice for full-scale chamber determination of volatile organic emissions from indoor materials/products”。
test on emission of formaldehyde
a、e 1333—96《大型环境箱测定木制品释放气体中甲醛浓度和释放率的标准测试方法》
“standard test method for determining formaldehyde concentrations in air and emission rates from wood products using a large chamber”。
b、astm d 6007-02《小尺度环境箱测定木制品释放气体中甲醛浓度的标准测试方法》“standard test method for determining formaldehyde concentration in air from wood products using a small scale chamber”。
2 欧洲标准
(cen european committee for standardization)
a、env 13419-1《建筑产品—vocs释放量的测定第1部分:释放测试环境箱方法》“building products-determination of the emission of volatile organic compounds-part 1:emission test chamber method”。
b、测试甲醛释放bs en 717-1:2004《人造板甲醛释放量测量环境箱法》
test on the formaldehyde emission , “wood-based panels determination of formaldehyde release-part 1:formaldehyde emission by the chamber method”。
3 中国标准:
chinese standard
a、测试vocs释放:gb 18584-200 1《室内装饰装修材料木家具中有害物质释放限量》
b、测试甲醛释放gb l8580-2001《室内装饰装修材料——人造板及其制品中甲醛释放限量》
c)、环境标志产品技术要求 人造板及其制品:hj 571-2010
d)、室内装修装饰材料地毯、地毯衬垫及地毯胶粘剂有害物质释放限量:gb 18567-2001
4 其它标准:
other standards
astm d 5116-97
astm d 3273-00
astm d 6803-02
astm d 6007-02
astm d 6330-98
iso 16000-6
jis a 1901-2009
* 试验箱满足以下试验标准:
* test chamber should satisfy the following test standards:
astm d 6007-02
vda 276 汽车内饰件voc测试气候箱法
加州ansi/bifma x7.1-2007
california ansi/bifma x7.1-2007
一. 环境试验箱及清洁气体供应系统方案
scheme for environmental test chamber system and clean air supply system
项目 item | 技术指标 technical index | |
温度 temperature
| 调节范围 adjustment scope | 20~110℃(高温清洁温度250℃) |
调节精度 adjustment precision | ±0.5℃ (偏差deviation) 符合vda276标准时,±0.5℃(偏差deviation) | |
测量精度 measuring precision | ±0.1℃ | |
相对湿度 relative humidity
| 调节范围 adjustment scope | 40~70%r.h.(20-30℃) 符合vda276标准时,5%r.h.(65℃) |
调节精度 adjustment precision | ±3%r.h.(偏差deviation) | |
测量精度 measuring precision | ±1%r.h | |
通风量 ventilation rate
| 调节范围 adjustment scope | 0.2m3~1.2m3/h(换气率0.2-1次/小时 air change rate: 0.2-1 times/hour) |
调节精度 adjustment precision | 通风量±3% | |
测量精度 measuring precision | ±0.01m3/h | |
环境箱工作室尺寸 dimensions of the working room of environmental chamber | 1578×800×800mm=1m3(深×宽×高 depth×width×height) | |
环境试验箱门的尺寸 dimensions of the door of environmental test chamber | 1200×1050mm(高×宽 height×width) | |
环境箱内相对于箱外压力 pressure inside environmental test chamber relative to the pressure outside | 10±5pa | |
环境箱密封 sealing of environmental chamber | 1kpa相对压强下,泄漏率<气流量的3% under 1kpa relative pressure, the leak rate is less than 3% of airflow volume | |
噪声noise | <65db(空气压缩机除外 except air compressor) | |
风速 | 0.1-0.3m/s 符合vda276标准时,风速大于1.0m/s |
表1 1m3标准环境箱系统技术指标
table 1 technical indexes of 1m3 standard environmental chamber
table 2 performances of each part of clean air supply system
设备 equipment | 性能指标 performance indexes |
压缩空气 air compressor
| 气量:1.2m3/h air volume: 1.2m3/h |
工作压力:大于2bar working pressure: higher than 2bar | |
| |
干燥机 drier
| 处理Zui大风量:1.2m3/h treatable maximum air volume: 1.2m3/h |
| |
高效微粒过滤器 high-efficiency particle filter
| 处理Zui大风量:2m3/h treatable maximum air volume: 1.2m3/h |
处理后,气体中的微粒浓度要求: | |
直径大于0.5um的微粒数浓度<100particles/m3 | |
活性炭过滤器/化学过滤器 active carbon filter / chemical filter
| 处理Zui大风量:1.2m3/h treatable maximum air volume: 1.2m3/h |
处理后,气体中的污染物浓度要求: requirements on density of contaminants in air after treatment: | |
tvoc浓度<20ug/m3,任何一种voc<2 ug/m3; density of tvoc is less than 20ug/m3, any type of voc<2 ug/m3; | |
直径大于0.5um的微粒浓度<100particles/m3 density of particles with a diameter larger than 0.5um is less than 100particles/m3 | |
o3<10ug/m3,no×和so×<10ug/m3; o3<10ug/m3,no× and so×<10ug/m3; | |
甲醛含量<6ug/m3 content of formaldehyde is less than <6ug/m3 |
introduction to flowchart/structure of clean temperature & humidity environmental test chamber
1. 环境箱原理:
1.2 气候箱采用夹套设计,测试舱内温度调节通过控制夹套内温度,控制测试舱温度
宏瑞达主要产品有:甲醛、voc环境试验箱,恒温恒湿箱,快速温变箱,冷热冲击箱,高温老化房。满足gb18584 voc环境箱,盐雾试验箱,碰撞台,冲击试验机,试验机,零跌落试验机,fpc试验机,弯曲试验机,拉力试验机,电磁振动测试系统,10吨振动台,1-10吨振动台等
欢迎致电深圳宏瑞达科技有限公司 公司提供维护,保修一年,上门服务维修。
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深圳宏瑞新达仪器专业生产经营: 紫外光耐气候试验箱;紫外线加速耐候试验机;高低温交变湿热试验箱;节能型恒温恒湿试验机;温湿度检定箱;高低温恒温试验箱;高低温冲击试验箱;蓄温式冷热冲击试验机;步入式环境实验室/试验舱;步入式恒温恒湿试验室;精密烘箱;盐水喷雾试验机;模拟运输试验机;蒸汽老化试验机;跌落试验机;快速温变|应力筛选试验机[ess];其他环境试验设备,整车voc环境舱 gb18584甲醛试验箱,voc释放舱等
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